Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Disturbing Thoughts.

Some things that really disturb me or leave me pondering:

People eating their meals alone,

People doing tedious jobs which are thankless and low-paying (the liftman, for example),

Small-time roadside vendors trying to sell their wares but hardly succeeding, (it’s actually the sight of seeing their forlorn and expectant faces while you cross their stalls/carts),

People walking barefoot on the roads,(they act as a reminder that while some of us don't think twice before buying shoes worth 2000 bucks, some consider shoes a luxury, not being able to spend their meagre funds on even a pair of chappals)

When someone’s persona is so defined by his uniform that when you see them out of uniform, you feel a sense of familiarity but cannot really place them. (Have you ever noticed the security guard at office when he’s not in uniform?? He might recognize you and smile or whatever, while you’re left trying to figure out where you’ve seen the guy before..)

There might be some more stuff too..but that’s all I could remember right now….

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