Friday, October 13, 2006

Deleted Orkut Profile..

A lot of ideas,
Too less of time,
A lot of plans,
Too less of energy,
A lot of hopes,
Too less of effort,
A lot of friends,
Too less true ones,
A lot of practicality,
Too less of emotions,
A lot of opportunities,
Too less courage,
A lot of sarcasm,
Too less of tact,
A lot of loyalty,
Too less of expression,
A lot of caution,
Too less of spontaneity,
A lot of mistakes,
Too less perfections..
That's a lot of what I am,
There's also a lot more to decipher...

Some disappointments,
Some long-lasting friendships,
Some broken relationships,
Some memorable occasions,
Some beautiful places,
Some ground realities,
Some caring people,
Some illogical fears,
Some terrible nighmares,
Some unforgettable journeys,
Some ecstatic moments,
Some difficult times,
That's a lot of how my voyage has been till now,
There's also a lot more to experience..

Changing lifestyles,
Facing realities,
Taking control,
Correcting mistakes,
Expanding horizons,
Shaping the future,
Searching for tranquility,
That's a lot of what I'm trying to do,
There's also a lot more that needs to be done..
And that's all there is to it........

1 comment:

Addy said...

Cudnt figure out why the title was "Deleted Orkut Profile..."...:)